The tree below is a faithful rendering of Figure 1 of the
important 2002 article by Ned K. Johnson and Carla Cicero in the journal
Molecular Ecology, Volume 11, pages 2065-2081. It is entitled "The role of
ecologic diversification in sibling speciation of Empidonax flycatchers (Tyrannidae):
Multigene evidence from mtDNA. The 16 twigs across the top of this tree represent the 15 currently recognized
species of Empidonax, plus an offshore population of the Pacific-slope Flycatcher
("Island Flycatcher") that is genetically
distinct from the mainland population. Four Middle American species that are not mentioned in North
American field guides are indicated with brown text. Although they are not covered in the species pages
of this guide, the evolutionary story would not be complete without them,
so they are fully integrated in this section (and in the Maps Section).
A tree of this sort tells us how (genetically) similar each species is to each other. From genetic similarity
we infer genealogical similarity. For example, if you go down the tree
from the twig for the Buff-breasted Flycatcher to the first branching point (called a "node"),
then go back up, you find the Black-capped Flycatcher. This means they are each other's closest relatives,
or "sisters." By the same token, Alder and Willow Flycatchers are sister species, although the White-throated Flycatcher
is almost as closely related to both. Sister species share a common ancestor, which is represented by the node
joining their branches. It is the branching pattern, the topology of the tree,
that contains the genealogical information. The lengths of the
branches are not necessarily proportional to the time since two branches split.
The genus Empidonax is divided into
four distinct lineages, represented by the
four branches you see on the tree.
These four groups of species have distinctive
coloration, habitat, nests, eggs, and vocalizations. The following pages show how different
these four branches are.
Click here to continue the story of Empidonax evolution.