'Western' Flycatcher  Oregon, Deschutes County, Squaw Creek Territory 5 (Rd. 1514)
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Song Phrase 1
Song Phrase 1, Deschutes Co., OR, 06/18/2005 Right on the line (6 kHz) = intermediate.
Song Phrase 2
Song Phrase 2, Deschutes Co., OR, 06/18/2005 Frequency approaches PSFL. Shape is slightly more COFL-like than previous bird, but still a PSFL-like intermediate.
Song Phrase 3
Song Phrase 3, Deschutes Co., OR, 06/18/2005 Intermediate. Frequency midway between COFL and PSFL. Strong emphasis of middle note make it a shade more COFL-like.
Male Position Note
Male Position Note, Deschutes Co., OR, 06/18/2005 I was sure I had a COFL when I heard the MPNs of this bird, and the spectrograms of MPN support that conclusion, with the long silent interval and the frequency range between 4 and 6 kHz. But, the song is more intermediate.
Female Position Note
No Sample