Song Phrase 2
Another transitional form ( see Warner 9). Tick just above 3 kHz, a little high for COFL,
but maximum frequency is at top of range for COFL. Continuity of middle and final notes
and low maximum frequency make this a COFL-like intermediate. Compare to Fourth (from left)
example of COFL Phrase 2.
Song Phrase 3
Something of an oddball. The frequency range is intermediate. Emphasis of the tick is PSFL-like,
but then PSFL rarely show the middle note at all, which here is unusually higher than the third note.
The tick is higher than the tick of Phrase 2, highlighting the transitional nature of this
bird's repertoire. Typically ticks in Phrase 2 and Phrase 3 are essentially identical.
Male Position Note
Slightly more COFL-like than the MPN for the preceding bird because of the ascending middle
Female Position Note
Well below 7 kHz, this FPN meets the COFL standard.